What Is Dollar Spot Disease?

What Is Dollar Spot Disease?

Dollar spot disease is beginning to show up in lawns around the area. Dollar spot is quite common during the summer months. It shows up as spots that often grow together to form large damaged areas. It is not a terribly serious disease but is unsightly.   The best way...
The Viburnum Leaf Beetle (VLB)

The Viburnum Leaf Beetle (VLB)

Yes, we are a lawn service, the problem is there are not really that many lawn issues to discuss on a weekly basis. Here is another Landscape pest imported accidentally from Asia. The Viburnum leaf beetle (VLB) Adults are active and feeding on a variety of different...
It’s spider mite season!

It’s spider mite season!

We have not seen mites this bad in many years! With the onset of this hot and dry weather we are having, spider mites are multiplying like rabbits! Our horticulturalist was out to a client’s home last week and these burning bushes looked perfectly fine. In less...
Are You Watering Your Lawn!

Are You Watering Your Lawn!

With the recent stretch of very hot and quite dry weather we have been having we thought we would share some insights on watering. First, watering the lawn is a personal choice. the grass varieties in Northeast Ohio are cool season and naturally go dormant during the...
Why Are My Leaves Dropping!

Why Are My Leaves Dropping!

My leaves are dropping! We’ve been getting a lot of calls this week about trees dropping leaves. Some had anthracnose disease early in the season and those leaves are now falling. The drought, heat, and high humidity have also contributed to a lot of leaf drop...