by Fred Bess, Horticulturist | May 15, 2024 | News
Well, a mild winter can be nice! Not having to shovel snow or deal with sub-zero temperatures, but a mild winter comes with a price. We’ve seen grubs up close to the surface, sod web worm caterpillars and armyworms already active. Other lawn insects will also...
by Fred Bess, Horticulturist | May 6, 2024 | News
Sawfly larvae on a Mugo pine. This insect’s larvae eat the needles right to the stem, giving the plants the name poodle pine. As a defense mechanism, they all move simultaneously. 30 years ago this was a much more common pest. Check out our Premium Pest Control...
by Fred Bess, Horticulturist | May 1, 2024 | News
Do you have boxwood? The boxwood leaf miner adults are flying now! They will lay eggs that hatch into larvae and feed within the leaves causing major damage to your plants. Give our horticulturist, Fred, a call for an evaluation and treatment for leaf miners and other...
by Fred Bess, Horticulturist | Apr 30, 2024 | News
First germination of crabgrass found (in a flower bed). Meehan’s Lawn Service, Inc. Gets many calls early in spring from people who are certain they have crabgrass. They don’t! It’s too early. Crabgrass is an annual and lives from Early May when...
by Fred Bess, Horticulturist | Mar 14, 2023 | News
On Friday, March 3rd, Meehan’s Lawn Service, Inc. celebrated 30 years in business serving the greater Cleveland area. We celebrated with a delightful Luncheon at a local restaurant. We reminisced about the early years and recognized our senior employees. We look...